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Vukovar, the city of lost souls

De Hervé Ghessquier et Michel Anglad


Vukovar, the city of wolves, is the town, which has been the most bombed since the end of WWII. Since November 18th, it has been called the Balkans’ Guernica. Its destruction was a historical event. A simple woman witnessed the agony of Vukovar. Vesna Bosanac is the head of the hospital and became a heroin in spite of herself. The day Vukovar fell after a three-month-long siege, Vesna, at the risk of her life, tried to save the 300 men who had taken refuge in her hospital.

They were cold-bloodedly murdered, after the fights were over, on the night of November 19th 1991 just a few hours after being filmed. The slaughter of Vukovar hospital is now being judged at the ICTY under number IT-95-13. The soldiers who were responsible of this massacre live freely in Serbia.