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Thierry, portrait of an absent

De François Christophe


Thierry, one of the homeless people in Paris, died of an overdose in December 1991, in indifference and anonymity. Little hoodlum first, he was hanging out on the streets and going to school only half the time. Backpacker, as a teenager, he travelled all over France, and soon became a "dropout", led by drugs and jail many times. However, this uncommon character was the subject of two films : the first in 1972 when he was 15 and the second one in 1990, a year and a half before his death. This film is a portrait of an absent, through the testimonies of people who knew him or crossed his road, and which mixes images of remembrance : Thierry at 15, Thierry at 30... Through his intimate approach, the story of this tragic fate highlights the will, the strength and the wild freedom that drove a man in social breakdown.

Demande de projection publique

Année de sortie :


Langue :

Français, Anglais



Durée :

52 minutes

Format de tournage :


Format de diffusion :

Digital Betacam

Ratio :
