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Sahara a region under supervision

De Barney et Dominique Ros de la Grange


One million five hundred thousand Tuaregs live and move around the Sahara. From rebellion to rebellion, and since decades, the Tuaregs have to face those who are allied to central powers and that want to exploit the earth and the substratum resources, those who denature, chase away and transform the original inhabitants , by marginalizing them. The income obtained from exploitation of the uranium and the oil is never redistributed to them. Their only reward is the inevitable pollution of these immense nomad areas and their military supervision.

For many years now, there are other factors that have changed the situation : Islamism, crime, and kidnapping. Nevertheless, the supporters reduce the Tuaregs to vulgar criminals which leads to the definitive elimination of this free spirited community that has always lived in the desert.

In the international conquest context, wouldn´t it rather seem that the Saharan population is being taken hostage ?

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Yves Billon

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