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Our ancestors, the Saracens

De Robert Genoud


What if the Saracens were also french’s ancestors as much as the Gauls, the Romans and the Franks? Yet, even if french pupils have learn that Charles Martel stopped the Arabs in Poitiers in 732, this battle should be better considered as the beginning of an adventure, an influence and a meeting. Has the French territory really been oblivious to any North African presence or influence?

This is the question this documentary film will try to solve. The film will take the form of a historic investigation that will start in Châtellerault, where the battle of Poitiers is supposed to have been fought and where live now a community of people with North African origin.

Based on ideological, social and historical themes, the film tries to question the very bases of French society throughout the centuries. Our aim is to bring evidence to the controversial debate about the identity of France and of its inhabitants.

Request for public screening

Release year :


Language :



Producer :

Yves Billon


Duration :

52 minutes

Filming format :


Broadcast format :

Digital Betacam

Ratio :
