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Série « Musique du Pakistan »

Music of Pakistan : the serie

D’ Yves Billon


Episode 1 : Music of Pakistan : religious music and Soufi music

During their meetings, those who practice soufism listen to the poems sung by their masters, "the Qhawali". This traditional music, enhanced by new literary and musical elements, has become the most popular in Pakistan.

Today, masters like Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan and Pataney Khan are the greatest heirs of this tradition. These artists sing praises to the Prophet and his saints. During a voyage through the country and towns of the Sind and Punjab, we encounter these artists as they perform in mausoleums, marriages, and festivals. This film presents a portrait of these masterful musicians in all the splendour of their art.


Episode 2 : Music of Pakistan : music of Balouchistan

The Baloutchi people occupy a vast territory covering half of western Pakistan. Faithful to their atavism of nomads, the Baloutchis wander the frontier zones of Afghanistan, the Iranian Khorasan, and the Persian Gulf. Their language and customs bear witness of their Aryan origins. Having converted to Islam very early, the Baloutchis have remained faithful to this religion.

This film is a voyage through the twilight of their world, spending long stages with black makranie ethnic groups on the coast, as well as with the mountain derviches. Their tradition of transic exorcism is shown here during nocturnal ceremonies. However, it is always the magic of music and the charm of the musician which operates in this country. Here the music is filmed for the first time in its original form, at the sight of spontaneous manifestations.


Les autres épisodes de cette série :

Musique du Pakistan : Musique religieuse et musique soufi (épisode 1/2)
Musique du Pakistan : Musique du Baloutchistan (épisode 2/2)

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Demande de projection publique

Année de sortie :


Langue :

Français, Anglais



Durée :

2x52utes minutes

Format de tournage :


Format de diffusion :

Beta SP

Ratio :
