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The clown and the stand-in

De Bruno Gauthier


Dario Fo and the Maclomas sigh with their knees, they hover with their feet, get kicked with panache and still, feel happy. Night after night, 2500 people unite to share moments of happiness, under the Cirque du Soleil marquee. For thirty years, this trio of clowns have succeeded in combining a sense of fun and emotion, but how do they achieve all that?

This is a good occasion to get a view from the wings of the circus, to discover the hard and sturdy work behind the spontaneous acts. Caught in the hustle and bustle of tours, they have decided to train 3 young clowns –their matching images - so that they will have time to rethink their acts. We’ll watch the recruitement of their stand-ins, the apprenticeship of the classics of the shows and the finalising of new acts which will be the focus of the film.

Request for public screening

Themes :

Art & Culture

Release year :


Language :



Participación :



Duration :

52 minutes

Filming format :


Broadcast format :

Digital Betacam

Ratio :
