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Marble cow

D’ Enrique Colina


Since the beginning of Humanity, cows have always played a very important role.

We are going to follow the peculiar story of White Udder, the Cuban cow that during the 80’s, in spite of U.S. embargo, conquered from a Yankee cow the title of milk production prizewinner.

This revolutionary cow followed the creation of the “new man”, becoming the “new cow”, an authentic labour championess, the heroine of socialist workers, the paradigm of abnegation and sacrifice for the sake of bovine progress.

After her decease, she was embalmed and exposed in a crystal casket as befitting the celebrities that reached glory and immortality. A marble statue was also raised in her memory, paying particular attention on the miraculous udder, symbol of the righteous revolutionary policy launched for the benefit of Cuban agricultural development.

Nowadays, nobody thinks about milk or meat, because the people is committed and gets used to everything, and also because, from the beginning of her life until her death as a martyr of revolutionary science, the story of White Udder will keep the challenge and the hope… of her possible cloning.

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Co-production :

Zombi Prod

Film en HD Technical

Duration :

52 minutes

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