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De Frédérique Menant


Mario Lucio, a musician and a poet from Capo Verde is recording his next record entitled KREOL.
Such worldwide known musicians as Milton Nascimento, Pablo Milanes, Teresa Salgueiro, Cesaria Evora, sing with him according to the various stops he has made in Africa, Europe, Brazil, Cuba and Martinique following the former slave-route.

Born from the meeting of Africa and Europe and from a shameful trade they want to participate to the creation of a new Creole culture through music.The places, where the recording studios are, still bear the traces of slavery.

Through the words of his songs, questioning modern and older representations of the places he travels, and his meeting with the various artists, we can see a new culture being shaped as the film unfolds. Then, we realize that the film is not only about the meeting of people but above all about the meeting of men.

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Demande de projection publique Voir le film

Année de sortie :


Langue :

Français, Anglais



Durée :

65 minutes

Format de tournage :


Format de diffusion :

Fichier numérique HD

Ratio :
