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Série « Location search »


De Marc Mopty


Mauritius, Rodriguez, Zanzibar, Cap Town, Pondichery, Comores, Madagascar, Macau, Goa, Sri Lanka. This series is a travel diary illustrated with a variety of meetings and music all expressing in their multicoloured languages and rhythms, the different sides of this ocean, the cross-roads of migrations and civilisations. Mauritius, Rodriguez, Zanzibar, Cap Town, Pondichery, Comores, Madagascar, Macau, Goa, Sri Lanka are the five ports of call of this travel.

The film maker intends to let his camera meet those who want to tell about their island and their port. Leaving intentionally aside all “ clichés ” or prejudices and refusing to listen to the official speeches have allowed us to understand the words of these people living on these ocean-side lands, better. There, the words and the colours have an exotic flavour you have to taste.

Les autres épisodes de cette série :

Location search : Pondichery
Location search : Cap Town
Location search : Comores
Location search : Location search: the 10 episodes serie
Location search : Rodrigues
Repérages : Goa, en attendant la mousson
Location search : Maurice island
Location search : Sri Lanka
Location search : Macao
Location search : Madagascar

Request for public screening

Release year :


Language :



Co-production :

Les Films du Village, Voyage

Participación :



Duration :

52 minutes

Filming format :


Broadcast format :

Digital Betacam

Ratio :
