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Kapitan Diwalwal : In the city of cursed gold

De Philippe Couture


Lost in the mountains of Mindanao, the rebellious province of the South Philippines, DIWALWAL is, according to the highly respected Blacksmith Institute, one the top twenty actual worst ecological disasters of the planet.

On top of a mountain surrounded by a jungle infested by tree active guerrillas, two Muslims and one communist, Franco Tito is fighting alone with his colt 45, local politicians and multinationals.

What seems to be at first a local political conflict happen to be a social, economical and sanitary international emergency which’s consequences are accumulating in the environment and oceans for eventually creeping back, through the food chain, in everybody’s plate everywhere.

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Co-production :

France Ô, Zaradoc

Participation :

ANGOA, CNC, Procirep


Durée :

58 minutes

Format de tournage :


Format de diffusion :

Fichier numérique HD

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