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Duty Free money

D’ Yves Billon


She has been nicknamed the global shopper. She could be Russian, Chinese, Qatari, Indonesian or French. She travels the world and takes advantage of each stopover to stock up cosmetics while her husband goes for cigarettes and whiskey.

A quickly developing species, these global shoppers, both male and female are given very special attention. And there is a good reason for this ! Every minute, 2,000 planes take off while 2,000 others land. For travel retail specialists, it is juicy business. Because all these passengers getting in and off planes represent as many customers for them.

Demande de projection publique

Année de sortie :


Langue :

Français, Anglais


Co-production :

Zombi Prod

Film en HD Informations

Durée :

52 minutes

Format de tournage :


Format de diffusion :

Fichier numérique HD