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4+1 = win at any cost ! [in production]

De Serge Désiré Ouedraogo


“The public’s craze for horse-racing bets, (so-called in Burkina Faso the « 4+1 »), is continuously growing in my district of Ouagadougou and in the rest of my country.

This fervour can represent at the same time an obsession for a close, the factor of decline for a friend but also a springboard to success for some other people. Horse races drive crazy while they take place in France at Lonchamp racecourse, 5000 kilometers away from Burkina Faso. Léopold, the betting shop’s dealer of my street, succeeded in acquiring a good reputation thanks to its right forecasts.

Through my intervention in this kiosk with Léopold, the crazy specialist of bet, I intend to know a little more about why this game unleashes so much passion and mobilize so many people, in a country where the « 4+1 » did not always exist.”

Demande de projection publique

Année de sortie :


Langue :


Pays :

Burkina Faso


Film en HD Informations

Durée :

52 minutes

Format de tournage :


Format de diffusion :

Fichier numérique HD

Ratio :
